terça-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2011

Carta para a familia

oi galera, bom eu estou na msm , meus documentos ainda estão em São Paulo então o que me resta é esperar, bom pra não deixar o blog as mosca resolvi fazer este post que é sobre a carta para host family, que por sinal deveria te-lo feito muito antes né , mas é que eu me esqueci,  e agora pouco lendo o blog de uma garota que disse que só faltava isso no app dela ,lembrei de mim , quando tive que fazer, não tinha ideia de como, então pesquisei em vários blogs, mesmo com as dicas senti falta mesmo é de uma carta completa ,para ter uma noção de como fica realmente por isso irei posta a minha aqui ai vcs veem :

Dear host family
My name is Larissa , but friends call me Lari. I am 21 years old, and I live with my parents ....... (mom) .......... (Dad) and my young brother ..........I live in ,Maringá –PR in Brazil, my city is very quiet, warm and have beautiful places.I live in Maringa to 8 years, despite being born here. I moved to São Paulo still small and lived there seven years when I was 12 years old I went to Japan and lived there for a year.I enjoy reading books, traveling, playing games, going to the park, beach and theater. I like to create to draw and surf on the net.I think that honesty and character are the highest values ​​of a person, I like things happen as planned, I am very generous and like to feel useful, I am very loyal and do not like to judge people.I'm happy and I love laugh. I like to try new things  .My family is very united as a kid we used to go out every weekend to visit different places of São Paulo and the inner cities.Now that I moved to Maringa,my family has the habit of meeting on Sundays for lunch, play cards, spend time together and dinner. Usually takes place in my grandmother´s house. We´re a big and very closed family.I graduated in interior design.Finished my college this summer (2011).I choose this profession because I like to decorate, adorn places and I identified enough with the course, like especially designing commercial spaces. When I back to Brazil I intend to work in my area in São Paulo or Curitiba.Sao paulo because it is the capital, has many opportunities, and Curitiba because  is the capital of the state where I live and that's where my family by father lives .I work with children since I was 16 years old I took a course of teaching for 4 years, and this course did internships in several day care centers, assistance to children with special needs and schools. I love work  with them because they are sincere, happy , playful and funny.I love kids always liked it when I wanted professorial help children who have trouble learning because remember when I did not understand something the teacher explains it to me again as I was shy and was often unable to understand, so now that I'm teaching I always try to explain the same thing in many ways different, so that each child is different, none are the same each has its own personality and learning time, also usually make a lot of theater because thus they lose their shyness and not suffer much with shyness in the future, I love working with children and win shy why I identify with them and know it's hard for them to lose that. I decided to be an Au Pair, because I love children, I have many experience with them and also always dreamed to travel abroad and meet many kinds of cultures.In working with kids I used to bathe, feed, play, teach, nap and tell stories. They like me so much. I believe it´s because I´m very active, playful, fun, patient and able to keep the thing on control.Despite living daily with children would like to take care of it in familiar surroundings, take them for walks or shopping, go to the playground. because as a pre school work, I can not go with them to anywhere because my job is to teach and care for them. Finally, I hope that to be an Au Pair give me the opportunity to improve my English and learn about a new culture, by living with a warm and special family which I´ll have a huge pleasure to became part.

Na verdade o meu primeiro rascunho foi um terço do que esta escrito ai , mas para au pair care eles exigem pelo menos 600 palavras ou seja , enchi linguiça, e detalhei , por que  gente!! não é facil escrever 600 palavras não ,foi um sacrificio.

Bom agora irei colocar umas dicas de como eu me baseei para escrever a carta.

- me apresentei e apresentei minha família.
-onde moro e como é minha cidade.
- aonde já morei e por quanto tempo.
-como eu sou ,meus gostos e interesses.
-como é minha relação com a família e amigos.
-sobre meus estudos.
-minha intenção quando voltar ao brasil.
-meu trabalho e experiencia com crianças.
- porque eu gostaria de ser au pair.

se você tiver bastante experiencia com carro também é bom citar mas se vc for como eu não tem tanta assim é melhor deixar quieto e aprimorar lá rsrsrs 
A carta era uma das coisas que eu estava louca pra escrever no começo do processo, mas quando comecei percebi que a coisa não assim tão fácil como parece.
Bom ..e é isso pessoal, espero que ajude algumas pessoas.bjus

Um comentário:

  1. Oi Lari, quanto tempo não passo aqui! Como vc tá? E o processo? Esse ano sai, hein? Vamos pros USA!
    Eu já entreguei todo o meu app e dei o submit, agora só tô esperando a revisão do escritório de Curitiba, pra mandar pra APC dos EUA depois e ficar online! Espero que não demore muito :)

    Beijos e feliz 2012!
